Return to the Legal Process menu New InstructionsWhen sending us an account for collection, please fill in one of our
Debt Recovery Instruction Forms, which contains all of the information
we require to take legal action on your behalf. An invoice or statement would also be useful in case one is requested by the debtor. If you wish to instruct us by letter, please ensure that you include all the relevant information requested on the form. Please set out the correct legal title of the entity on behalf of whom we will take proceedings - if you are a Limited Liability Company please supply your Company Registration Number. Please note that recent legislation introduced to combat money-laundering means that we are obliged to request more detailed information about the companies and individuals for whom we act. Please contact us for details of the information required. We must also have the correct title of the debtor in order to commence legal action. For an individual, we require the Christian Name & Surname For a Limited Liability Company, we require the full name of the company For an individual or Limited Liability Company trading under a Business Name, we require the full name of the individual or company and the Business Name under which they trade. Please note that, while an individual or company may trade under a business name, neither an individual or a business name may trade under the style of a Limited Liability Company. If the account is disputed, please tell us when you ask us to collect
the debt. |
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